Psychological Flexibility: Key to Resilience

Life is generally difficult and is ever changing. While many go through problems seemingly unscathed, it is important to note the difference between mere survival versus flourishing in the process.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in eight people globally are suffering from some form of mental illness. Consequently, the rest who do not suffer from one are not necessarily experiencing optimal mental health.

Think about that.

Most of the people you meet are navigating storms you know nothing about.

Is it no surprise then to see a wealth of research done on ways for us to successfully bounce back after setbacks, which is the very definition of resilience.

One such research is on the concept of psychological flexibility. Kashdan and Rottenberg (2010) describes psychological flexibility as consisting of a series of processes characterized by how a person:

  1. Adjusts to changing situational demands
  2. Modifies mental resources (e.g., ability to either plan ahead or be spontaneous in response to what the event calls for)
  3. Shifts perspective
  4. Balances competing (and sometimes opposing) desires, needs, and life domains.

Instead of focusing on a person’s trait and skills in managing challenges (e.g., having a growth mindset, being optimistic, etc.), psychological flexibility is focused on the repeating interaction between a person and their environment. As Kashdan and Rottenberg puts it,

Flexibility is about being aware of thoughts and feelings that unfold in the present moment without needless defense, and depending on what the situation affords, persisting or changing behavior to pursue central interests and goals.

Psychological flexibility is positively correlated to job performance and satisfaction, and mental health. As our flexibility increases, so do our job performance and satisfaction, as well as our mental health. In addition, psychological flexibility also leads to deeper joy and meaning in life, less distress, greater vitality, and better appreciation of the present moment.

How do we then increase psychological flexibility?

There are three critical factors:

  1. Become aware of the present moment. Shift your attention to the most critical aspects of the situation. For example, while a board meeting will require that you to plan ahead and use your conscientiousness to create an impressive presentation, time with your kids will need you to be more spontaneous, fun, and carefree. Learn to shift your response based on what the situation calls for. This can only be done if you are present and attentive to what is going on right now. A daily practice in mindfulness can help.
  2. Recognize the limitations of your biased social judgments. Often times we form conclusions about a person’s skill, personality, and likeability based on limited data. By acknowledging that our assessments are not set in stone and are prone to error, we will be able to shift perspective faster when faced with opposing evidence.
  3. Understand that our personality affects psychological flexibility. Traits such as openness to new experience, being curious, seeking novelty and challenges in life, and increasing positive emotions all contribute to our ability to be flexible. On the other hand, seeking too much control, conformity, security, and stability are shown to be negatively correlated to wellbeing and can thus, decrease psychological flexibility.

#resilience #grit #mentalhealth


Kashdan and Rottenberg (2010). “Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health”.

World Health Organization (2019). “Mental Disorders”.

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