Women leaders face barriers that make it difficult for them to rise in the workplace. Some of these include: unconscious bias, unequal pay, impostor syndrome, unfair treatment, and multiple competing responsibilities. The Propelling Women of Influence program focuses on developing effective leadership skills while creating a work culture that supports the needs of women leaders.

Research (Harvard Business Review, 2013) shows that there are three key things that enable women to lead effectively: instilling a deeper awareness of gender bias in the workplace, creating structures and practices that support women in leadership roles, helping women internalize a leadership identity and sense of purpose.

How do we advance gender diversity and support the success of women leaders?

We first assess for the following:

(1) The organizational climate that closes or widens the gap between how women are perceived and the qualities that people associate with the prototypical leader

(2) Main challenges faced by women leaders at work

(3) Current strengths of women leaders and areas for development

We then design workshops and coaching programs based on our assessment of the current situation.

What each leader will get from the program:

  • Have a deeper awareness of gender bias in the workplace and learn what to do about it
  • Define your purpose as a leader
  • Discover how to lead with your values
  • Implement practical strategies to solve competing responsibilities at work and at home
  • Understand how to play to your strengths to achieve personal and business goals
  • Unlock optimal performance within yourselves and your team
  • Create your own leadership development plan that can be implemented immediately

We specialize in developing leaders and teams to peakperformance. We combine science and real-world data to design the most effective interventions for your people.

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Mon to Fri (8AM to 5PM)
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